What Are the Industrial Deafness Compensation Factors?


If you are suffering from industrial deafness, then you may be eligible for compensation.

If you have not already sought out legal advice, then now is the time to do so. A solicitor who specialises in industrial deafness, hearing loss and tinnitus will be able to establish your eligibility for compensation for you. To speak to an experienced, qualified solicitor, visit UK Claim Lawyers and enter details here, for the very best legal advice.

Compensation Factors

If at this stage, you would simply like to find out more about the compensation factors for industrial deafness claims, below you will find everything you need to know:

Who was responsible?

If you are suffering from industrial deafness, then your illness will have been caused by an employer, past or present. This is a given. But, it still must be proven by your solicitor that your employer caused your industrial deafness. If this cannot be proven, then unfortunately the other side will be under no obligation to pay you compensation.

To establish your liability, your solicitor will access your medical records, and the health and safety records of the company in question. If your solicitor finds evidence of any breach in a duty to protect you, then this will give your claim an edge.

How severe is your hearing loss?

The severity and extent of your industrial deafness/ hearing loss will determine how much compensation you can claim. You can make a claim for minor hearing loss, tinnitus and other types of hearing loss, but the higher compensation amounts are reserved for cases of severe hearing loss, such as total hearing loss in one or both ears.

How your hearing loss has and will affect your life will also be considered by your solicitor. The bigger the impact this has had on you, and will have on you, then the more compensation you can claim. In addition to this, any financial losses you have sustained because of your illness will also be factored in. For example, if you had to take redundancy due to your illness, then you could claim back lost income including overtime.

How experienced is your lawyer?

One of the most important factors to making a successful industrial deafness claim, is instructing an experienced solicitor to process your claim. Your solicitor should have relevant case experience and they should work for a reputable law firm. Your solicitor should also make the effort to communicate with you and keep you informed about the claims process. We recommend taking your time to choose a solicitor, since it may be that you are in contact with them for several months, although some claims take less to process.

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