How To Set Up Your First Home Office


If you are working from home, it is better for you to have a space where you are comfortable and focused. Of course, it is possible to set up a workspace in your living room, or even your bedroom, but there are benefits to having a space designated for your home office. It will probably help you to keep better focus, and keep you away from your typical distractions. You can set up a professional and productive space by following a few steps.

First, make a list of the things you will need for your office. Depending on the type of work you do, you may need to set up a workstation that is a mini-replica of the space you use at work, or at the very least some version of it. If you are a photographer or artist, you will need a mini-studio space, or a light room depending on the mediums you work with. If you are a teacher or some type of consultant, you may need large storage spaces with filing cabinets. In these cases, figure out where in your home you can set up the special spaces you will undoubtedly need. Make sure that you purchase all the equipment you will need to adequately furnish the space as well.

It may not seem like a priority, but the aesthetics of your space are also important. Try to keep some live plants in your space. Seeing something natural from time to time will help you to feel refreshed and productive. You should also paint your space in colors that are vibrant and spark your creativity. For instance, the color blue should improve your productivity and focus. If you will have client meetings, you may also have to take video calls. The aesthetics are important then because your background will feature often in your calls. A blank wall or a bookshelf may be a better idea than doors or other backgrounds that facilitate movement.

When you finish your space, try to keep your workspace as separate from your home space as much as possible. Otherwise, it may defeat the entire purpose. To keep it simple, avoid eating, sleeping, napping or doing anything that is not work-related at your desk.

You should also consider ergonomics. It is always important to consider your posture but while working at home it is easier to become lax so organize your space well enough to be vigilant. Make sure that you take breaks and that you walk around as frequently as you can. You should also consider using any extra time taken off your commuting to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. It may be tempting to work from your bed, but avoid doing this as well because it will not bode well for your posture.

If working at home becomes something you do regularly, then you may even be eligible for deduction in home office taxes. Working at home really can be a convenient set up if you organize your space in the way you want it to.

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