Keep Your Workers Aware of Workplace Hazards and Risks


If you do not identify workplace dangers and risks, you greatly increase your business’s liability and threaten your workplace operations. That is why it is important to keep your employees informed with books and booklets or similar publishing tools. One of the safety programmes, Take 5 for Safety, is an example of a widely touted programme that enables employees to achieve positive results and stay cognizant of threats. This can be done in five minutes.

Evaluating the Dangers on a Job Site

In order to achieve better safety, workers are asked to take the following five steps:

  • Stop and think about the possible hazards related to the job.
  • Look or identify the dangers.
  • Assess the risk and regard any potential threats for injury or damage.
  • Manage certain control measures in order to lessen dangers.
  • Safely complete a task

How to Increase Safety in the Workplace

When you take this information and translate it into a publication like a Take 5 safety booklet, you can better ensure the safety of and operations in your industry. The booklet you choose to publish should outline your safety programme so that employees can easily digest the material and practice what they read and learn on the job.

Reviewing the Critical Risks

This type of publishing tool raises awareness about the dangers on a job site and teaches employees how to assess risk. Therefore, if you want your employees to work in a safer manner, dispensing safety booklets is a necessity. As a result, a booklet can be used to help a construction worker focus on certain critical risks. This type of tool helps him or her answer key questions along these lines.

For instance, some of the following questions may be addressed:

  • Am I working with electricity? (Yes or no)
  • Is there a hazard that I may fall more than two metres?
  • Could I become tired whilst driving?
  • Am I working in trenches that are over 1.5 metres deep?
  • Am I working close to vehicular traffic?
  • Am I using a crane for heavy lifting?
  • Am I at risk for asbestos exposure?
  • Is the space in which I am working confined?

Considering the Risks before Beginning Work

These types of enquiries are a checklist of questions that can be used before starting work on a construction site. As you can see, the questions engage workers so they become more in-tune to the possible dangers of a job site.

Reviewing the Environmental Hazards

Having this information published for workers to read also helps them, as noted, to identify such hazards as atmospheric contaminants, asbestos, electrical installations, dangers in accessing or egressing a site, fall heights, and combustible substances.

Besides books and booklets, you can also keep workers apprised of safety issues by giving them manuals or checklists for review.

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