Child Custody For Unmarried Couple


Not only does separation have a negative impact on you and your spouse’s mental, financial, and social well-being, it also affects your children. Your children are confused and upset with the events taking place. As a parent, it is your responsibility to ensure that their future is protected and satisfied with your current decisions.

Child custody determines who has the legal right to decide about the child’s lifestyle, upbringing, and important matters such as education. A family lawyer helps you understand all your legal options and the types of custody that exist to make a well-informed decision.

Based on your decision, your Mankato family lawyer creates a legal plan to negotiate with your ex-partner and agree to your terms or to represent you in court if your partner is unwilling.

Table of Contents

What affects child custody?

  • What the parent and child want: The parents might want joint or full custody of the child. The lawyer builds a case to prove their capabilities as a parent and their other relevant requirements such as jobs, ability to provide necessary care, income so that the court can analyze who is fit for the role. A child’s wants and bond with each parent are also taken into consideration for the decision. The court also decides the appropriate visitation rights of the other parent.
  • Financial status – Child care is an expensive process. They have medical, educational, and recreational expenses in addition to their living needs, such as a home and food. The parent should have the provisions to provide for the child’s quality of life. When the parents’ incomes differ, the person earning more is required to contribute more towards child support. An attorney helps determine an appropriate estimate which is to be approved by the court.
  • Physical and mental stability – For the child to grow in a healthy living environment, the parents must be of sound mind and body. Mental illnesses can impact the child’s mindset negatively, and they might be neglected. Disabilities are a challenging condition to live with, and supporting a child can cause further strain. The court decides living custody and visitation rights on this basis.
  • Past substance abuse or domestic violence – In scenarios where the parent has been charged or has allegations of domestic abuse by the partner or a third party, their custody rights are heavily affected. Drugs and alcohol consumption can make a person unfit to raise a child. The court’s verdict will minimize the child’s contact with the parent for the sake of their safety.
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